
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Time for Lunch!

For the past few years I have done my best to come up with fun and creative lunch box ideas for my kiddos. The 2 school age kids have very different thoughts when it comes to what they want to eat. My 12 year old daughter is happy with a turkey and cheese sandwich, chips, and a handful of cookies. My 8 year old son is NOT a fan of sandwiches, ESPECIALLY ones with meat. He would much prefer a salad, or a pile of fruits and veggies. Needless to say, this has made lunch prep fun :) I really do love the challenge, and I always considered it a successful morning when I looked at my kitchen after having put the kids on the bus and saw that it looked as though a bomb went off. Not only had 2 different lunches been prepped, I had also prepared a real breakfast (I'm not a believer that cereal and pop tarts are a real breakfast....sorry!)

Surprisingly, even though lunchboxes have been a major part of our lives, I struggled to find containers to use. I don't like using disposables, because it would be wasteful. Primarily I have used the Klip-It containers, by Sistema, which were fantastic, but bulky. They are totally leak-proof, easy to open, and sturdy, but I don't love sending the kids with 16 different containers to school. I finally went and ordered some EasyBoxLunches, to try out. I love that it's just one container, but I know they aren't leak-proof. I'm looking forward to using them, though.

Anyway, this morning I assembled some toddler friendly lunches, for my 3 year old. As I type this, he is working on his first box (which I forgot to take a picture of...whoops!) I see him enjoying the finger-food aspect of the lunch I thew together. I also see him experimenting with flavors.....making gold fish and blueberry sandwiches (eeeesh!) I hope this inspires some of you!

Homemade blueberry muffin, Honey Nut Cheerio's, hard boiled egg, strawberry Jell-O, and pear slices

Strawberry Jello-O, pretzels, apple slices, turkey pinwheels, and cheese cubes

Carrot sticks, broccoli florets, a peanut butter Dino sandwich, blueberries, and strawberry Jell=O

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