
Saturday, January 28, 2012

The kickoff

I've decided to do something crazy. I'm going to bake 52 different cupcakes over the course of a year. Eeeek! That sounds crazy, right? Well, after some amazing encouragement from my friends & family, I've decided to go for it. Why not? I mean...HELLO! Cupcakes are awesome.
To start off, I'm going to tell you a little about myself:

I am a wife: My husband's name is Wade & he is amazing
I am a mom: Kids are Audrey (9), Benny (5), & Adrian (5.5 months)
I am a babysitter: Mon - Fri I take care of Josie (6.5 months)
I work part time outside the home - I am a customer service rep @ a company that sells kitchenware...awesome!
I live in a small Indiana town: I have John Mellencamp going through my head
I have very few hobbies: Reading, cooking, & baking

Ok, that is me in a nutshell. Next week kicks off the cupcake challenge. First up: Brownie Buckeye Cupcakes. Just imagine....chocolate brownies....peanut butter....peanut butter CUPS and chocolate ganache. Sounds like a winner to me! It's coming be EXCITED! I know I am.

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